Written By Cyntia Miglio - February 21 2022
Music has the ability to transcend time and space, making it one of the most powerful forms of art. Certain albums are timeless and have the ability to inspire people from all walks of life. While there are countless albums that could be mentioned, here are 7 of the greatest ones that have inspired us. Each album is unique in its own way, but they all share an electronic commonality. We hope you'll take the time to listen to these albums and see for yourself why they're so special.
Jamiroquai - Travelling Without Moving 1996
Jamiroquai was definitely my hero on my teenage years. His music is rich, tasteful lots of Brazilian musical elements and for driving through beautiful landscapes. Don't travel without this album.

Tourist - St Germain 2000
The real fusion of jazz and house music. Impeccable crafted by Frenchman Ludovic Navarre this album brings you all kinds of sounds carefully added to each track. This music will transport to places that you never knew before. Don't lounge without it.

Diamond Life - Sade 1984
It's extremely hard to pick my favourite Sade album, but I choose Diamond Life, because it's a classic. The years have passed by and this album still playing on the best places in the world.

Walking wounded - Everything But The Girl 1996
When I first heard the music of this British duo, it was through my very close friend who is DJ and music producer in Brazil. His taste is impeccable.
Everything But The Girl made several hit songs in the 90's but later on the duo self-produced "Walking Wounded" which delivered four UK Top 40 hits. Their music is beautiful and sophisticated. I selected "Walking Wounded" because of the track "Wrong"which I love.

Sound Of Silver - LCD Soundsytem 2007
LCD Soundsytem it's also a group who has made great albums making hard to choose a favourite. I selected "Sound of Silver" because of all the magic musical elements in the tracks. "Someone Great" is definitely my favourite song followed by "North American Scum". James Murphy leads this band, which is one of the coolest people on the planet. Definitely no excuses to leave this album behind.

Blade Runner (Music From The Original soundtrack) 1994
The iconic and spellbinding music of Vangelis is one that can easily transport you from your everyday life. The word "legendary" doesn't do his work justice, but it's a fitting description for such an amazing experience!

808's & Heartbreaks - Kanye West 2008
This album it's also a amazing. Each track is unique, beautiful, somehow sad and emotional. The robotic voices, the minimal electro-pop makes this album unique and not expected by Kanye West.